The TERRA GOLLUT film festival celebrated its closing session at the Diagonal Theater in Campdevànol, yesterday, Tuesday, October 12. Although the contest continues with itinerant sessions in venues and headquarters during the months of October and November, so far counting the Cinema with Values sessions that have brought committed, humanitarian cinema and photojournalism to vulnerable towns and groups a total of 1,750 in-person viewers and 9,000 online viewers through the channel. Once the month of December ends, the contest will reach twenty-six localities.

TERRA GOLLUT Award for the best feature film

Premi llarg 21

The jury values the high level of the selected documentaries and, especially, the commitment to reporting problems that affect invisible groups. That is why the jury has decided that the first prize was shared between There is still someone in the forest - by Teresa Turiera-Puigbò and Erol Lleri Llordella-  and Non dago Mikel - by Amaia Merino and Miguel Ángel Llamas - to denounce the still invisible drama of the thousands of women who were victims of rape as a weapon of war in the Balkan conflict and all wars, and the murder without Mikel Zabalza's justice and the impact of non-reparation on the following generations. 

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Special mention of the feature film jury

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The mention goes to Descendents - by Judit Aranda Moreno and Carlos Collazos Rodríguez - for making visible the discrimination and racial and gender violence suffered by thousands of Catalans because of their origin and a non-normative aspect.

Cartell descendents

TERRA GOLLUT Award for the best short film

premi curt 21

In the Iranian film The whimper and the existence by Hossein Allahyari, because it is like a symphony of the reconstruction of a town after an earthquake.

Cartell thewhimper

Special mention of the short film jury

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In the Spanish production film El botón by Adolfo Peña, because  portrays a disobedient doctor out of respect for human rights, a vindictive and mysterious doctor who pulls her out of her depressive isolation: a quantum crossover full of poetry.

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TERRA GOLLUT Award from Concordia Hospital de Campdevànol

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In the film produced between the Dominican Republic and Catalonia, 15 Horas by Judith Collell, because the film shows with extreme realism the daily life and suffering of one more person from the village, with the obstacles they have to face every day face in all areas of life, it is necessary to highlight the crudeness with which the film exposes reality.

Cartell 15 hours

TERRA GOLLUT award for young people

PRemi Joves

In the film  Adolfo Peña's button, because it has brought us to a point of connection with the protagonist, which transmits faith to us. Values such as faith are a fundamental thing in our lives, without it there would be no progress, dreaming, having goals and hope... And this has made us remember the faith that all those people who have helped us have had throughout our lives and of course how they have believed in us for coming this far and being able to share this day with everyone.

Cartell ElBotonBR

TERRA GOLLUT Award for the best rep

At the closing session emesa per internet on October 31, 2020 at 7:15 p.m. the following winners will be public:

Award for the best feature film

Cholitas, by Jaime Murciego and Pablo Iraburu

The jury of the TERRA GOLLUT film festival 2020 unanimously awards the Best Feature Film Award to Cholitas by Pablo Iraburu and Jaime Murciego for capturing the profound humanity of the protagonists and fer-nos particeps of their power both will have a cinematographic look, proper and dynamic.

02. Frame     03. Award
Special mention jurat llargmetratges

Des-Extinction, d’Alfonso Par

The Feature Film Jury of the TERRA GOLLUT film festival 2020 awards a Special Mention to "Des-Extinción" by Alfonso Par, for having built a road-movie with an ecological scientific proposal, more than of dissemination, with a simple language, visually captivating and conceptually encouraging.

02. fotograma      03. Premiat

Award for the best short film

Reflejo, by Juan Carlos Mostaza

Haven't analyzed the technical production, the missatge that it transmitted, and the relevance of the problem that affects, above all, adolescents and young adults, the jury of short films has decided to award the Best Short Film Award to Reflection< /em>. This short film shows, clearly and perfectly dramatized in an animation, the family drama, personal suffering, reconciliation and forgiveness. A worthy example of how society has learned to be tolerant in the face of differences.

02. Frame      03. Award

Concord Award

Carne, by Camila Kater

The jury awards the Premi de la concòrdia to the short film Flesh with the maximum artistic expression that shows, felt to be obscene, the crudeness of the feminine image as "donna-object", especially in the sexual , convertin-la en un bé d'un ús ús. A short film that seeks the vindication of the woman with equals in rights and opportunities in society. An impeccable production, i de fort social contingut.

02. Fotograma      03. Premiada
Youth Award

Ama, by Julia de la Paz

The youth jury has chosen this short film with the greatest because we know that there are many seas that kick this situation, and it is a closer reality. I am going to point out that it is important to have stability in order to have a fill. The missatge has also pleased her, who has volgut convey happiness to her daughter so that her mother experienced a bad situation.

02. Fotograma     03. Premiada


Chernobyl 1986, by Toni Comas

The youth jury decided to give a special mention to this short film because the plans were very good and also because they are fet riure. On the other hand, the message that has been broadcast in us has been thinking about the Covid19 pandemic, since we have the channel in our hands, we have taken the initiative and will not let ourselves be fooled by the messages that try to transmit the communication messages

02. Fotograma      03. Premiat

Award for the best photojournalism report

Pandèmic, by Marc Sanyé

The photography jury has decided to award the Prize to the best photography report to Pandèmic, by Marc Sanyé for the validity of an issue that affects the entire society with empathy and depth and depth Some good criteria for the selection of areas and geographical dispersion: Campdevànol regional hospital, Vic residence and images of the saturation of the space for the dead in Collserola.

02. Fotograma     02. Premiat
Special Mention from the Photography Jury

Nombrar la herida by Paula Roque

The photography jury has decided to give a special mention to Paula Roque's work on sexual assaults to gifts for the narrative strategy that she has built and the visual rhetorical resources that she has developed to address a social scourge that she does not face enough visibility.

02. Fotograma     03. Premiada

Public Award

Sense Sostre, by Pep Garrido and Xesc Cabot

The popular vote through the enllaç has granted this save.

02. Fotograma     

03. Award 1     03. Award 2

Prize for photographic trajectory to Pepe Baeza, press editor specialized in photography.

Pepe Baeza (Valencia, 1955) has been a Photographer at El Periódico de Catalunya and El Noticiero Universal (1978-1990), Graphic Editor at El Periódico de Catalunya and Editor in photography and editing graphic to La Vanguardia (1990-2015). He has a degree in Journalism and a PhD in Information Sciences from the UAB. Professor of Photography, Photojournalism and Photographic Genres at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB, (1989-2010) and of Photographic Reporting at the Faculty of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University (2011-2013). He is the author of the book "For a critical function of press photography". Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2001 and 2003 (2nd edition). Currently, he is the coordinator of the "Images" section of Le Monde Diplomatique in Spanish.


Award for audiovisual trajectory to Teresa Font, film editor

Teresa Font Guiteras, goes to Gallifa, Vallès Occidental. She is a Catalan rider with one of the most recognized trajectories of l'Estat. He has treballat more than 80 films with Pain and Glory, Numbered Days, Juana La Loca, Libertarias, Hot Moon, El Lute walks or bursts, Lovers, Fanny Pelopaja, Jealousy, The Day of the Beast, Ham, Ham, Numbered Days, The stunned king, Bwana,  Murder in the central committee, Dead of laughter or the television series The Riders of Dawn.

She has worked with many directors such as Vicente Aranda, Pedro Almodóvar, Imanol Uribe, Joaquim Jordà, Álex de la Iglesia, among others.

She Saved with the Goya Award for the best muntatge a couple of vegades, for Numbered Days and recently for Pain and Glory.

From her point of view, the filmmakers must have a special sensitivity to capture the meaning of what is explaining and trying the most appropriate plans for each moment of the cinematographic narrative. In this sense, she believed that she should eliminate all the material that was not still fundamental, leaving it necessary because the scenes that follow are easily understandable to the viewer.

From the mateixa form and in the woods, the female of the mountain demanded to perch in the place of the public to finish providing the exact amount that needs to be seen. Her feina seva com a muntadora de su li va fer, I will understand the importance that she has in the cinematographic montage, both to help in the montage itself of the images and to manipulate the tempos and the rhythm.

Teresa Font 001

Fem arribar el cinema social i amb valors a llocs on no arriba: A pobles petits i a col·lectius vulnerables.

Pròximes sessions:

El públic diu:

"He canviat la meva forma de veure una part del món que gràcies a les històries del festival".

"Ha canviat la mirada i projecció sobre la Vall. Vaig descobrir a Juan Tomás Avila i he conegut la realitat de Guinea Equatorial. "

"He guanyat confiança, en veure la comprensió i empatia de la gent quan se'ls parla obertament i sincerament de temes encara tabú com el suïcidi."

"Una delícia. Assistir a una projecció de cinema reivindicatiu, a Queralbs, sabent que hi ha altres projeccions a la comarca. Orgull de país. Felicitat compartida."

"El festival transmet valors, reivindica la diversitat, les minories i de les persones indefenses."

"És la primera vegada des de que he arribat aquí, que m'he sentit tractat només com un jove, i no com un refugiat migrat." 


Vuit festivals de cinema social de Catalunya creen el Tectònic

Una iniciativa de cinema en línia que arriba per sacsejar el món El festival es farà del 22 d'octubre a l'1 de novembre en format en línia Es tracta d'una aposta per sumar esforços i no competir en temps difícils pel sector 3 de setembre de 2020. Un total de vuit festivals de cinema social de Catalunya s'han unit per crear una nova proposta cultural transformadora que porta per nom Tectònic. Es tracta d'un festival de cinema en línia que arriba per sacsejar consciències sobre problemàtiques d'arreu del món, i que es celebrarà del 22 d'octubre a l'1 de novembre. L'objectiu és convertir un repte en una oportunitat, en un moment d'incertesa a causa de la crisi a tots nivells que ha comportat la Covid-19. Alhora vol ser una proposta contundent capaç de fer-se un lloc enmig d'una agenda cultural molt atapeïda, en la que també s'ha volgut tenir en compte la incertesa a l'hora d'organitzar propostes presencials, així com uns pressupostos molt debilitats a causa de la mateixa pandèmia. Per això, s'ha apostat clarament per sumar i no competir en temps difícils per a tothom.

Llegeix més

Juan Tomás de Ávila Laurel i la Guinea equatorial amb influència franquista, els protagonistes de la primera sessió de la pantalla itinerant del TERRA GOLLUT film festival

22/08/2020.- Èxit de públic i bona acollida de la primera sessió a l'aire lliure del #TERRAGOLLUT film festival a #Queralbs. Més d'una seixantena de persones van gaudir de la sessió a la plaça de la vila i van ser conscients de la realitat de Guinea Equatorial, un Estat amb influència present encara del franquisme, de la mà de l'opositor al dictador Obiang i activista escriptor Juan Tomás de Ávila Laurel. El cinefòrum, amb una figura de nivell com ell, va ser intens, participatiu i revelador pels assistents. La nova pantalla itinerant es va estrenar a la seu que va obrir les sessions territorials fa quatre anys...

Llegeix més

Prop de 200 obres de 24 nacionalitats diferents es presenten per competir al TERRA GOLLUT Film Festival

El certamen a competició se celebrarà del 9 al 31 d’octubre El festival comença a escalfar motors aquesta setmana amb les sessions Cinema amb Valors On Tour a diferents municipis del Ripollès

29/07/2020.- El certamen de cinema compromès per la transformació social TERRAGOLLUT Film Festival arranca aquesta setmana amb les sessions de Cinema amb ValorsOn Tour a municipis del Ripollès com Vallfogona, Setcases, Llanars, Queralbs o Ribes deFreser, fent realitat un dels objectius d’aquest projecte: arribar als territoris on no hiha cinema i garantir així la igualtat d’oportunitats. El certamen a competició secelebrarà del 9 al 31 d'octubre i s’hi han presentat 190 obres de 24 nacionalitatsdiferents.

Llegeix més

TERRA GOLLUT film festival

És un certamen de cinema compromès per la transformació social. "Som de muntanya. Som de terra endins. Som un festival de poble que s'estén a altres pobles i a llocs o col·lectius on la cultura no sol arribar. Obrim la mirada al món des del Pirineu." És un projecte impulsat per Joaquim Roqué, el que va ser el director i promotor intelectual durant 6 edicions del  Festival Gollut que ha mostrat obres nacionals o internacionals que tenen com a tema la conscienciació social, mediambiental, o mostren alguna forma d’activisme en favor dels drets humans i la diversitat de cultures.  Totes elles mostrades a espectadors habituals que podrien ser els de qualsevol altre certamen. Sovint els festivals es queden en la fase de sensibilització de públics i els premis que s’atorguen només donen certa rellevància comunicativa a obres. Tanmateix, TERRA GOLLUT film festival fa un pas endavant per deixar la “teoria” per passar a la pràctica. El projecte té com a objectiu principal transcendir més enllà del fet cinematogràfic. El cinema és una potent eina transformadora de consciències, d’hàbits, d’actituds... De manera immersiva i amb activitats que donen valor afegit als films; testimonis, taules de debat, cinefòrums, tallers educatius... Volem arribar també a un altre públic, a espectadors amb necessitats socials o humanitàries. Dissenyant accions per prendre distància amb la seva situació personal, que creïn empaties amb altres col·lectius o problemàtiques que els ajudaran a superar la seva pròpia situació. Amb el cinema com instrument per fer-ho. TERRA GOLLUT film festival té l’origen en els Golluts de Ribes, una comunitat de persones que varen ser discriminades per les seves particularitats físiques fins a la seva total desaparició a mitjan segle XX. Mesuraven menys de 1,2 mts, la majoria d'ells tenien goll, una malformació inofensiva però de mal aspecte. Científics que l’època els van descriure com a subraça. El fet d'anomenar al certamen Gollut pretén ser un reconeixement públic cap a ells.

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