
Disseminate committed and humanitarian cinema that is not seen in the usual media and platforms in places and groups where it does not usually reach, especially small towns and people at risk of social exclusion.

To make the Golluts de Ribes community known everywhere, known as the dwarves of Ribes, which was marginalized and discriminated against until its disappearance because of its physical appearance.


We believe in the transformative power of cinema to stir and captivate people's souls, to contribute to changing their point of view regarding the problems of the world, to empathize with them and understand them, because we believe that each person is which has the power to change its immediate environment. We aspire to be the spark that starts personal change.

Foundational values:

Tolerance, Social awareness, Environmental and mountain values, Journalistic or historical research, Activism in favor of human rights, Diversity of cultures and/or that affect gender equality.

Value proposition:

Different, diverse cinema, with unconventional messages. Stimulation and presentation of projections and debate and reflection activities in unique and social spaces.

Missio Visio Terra Gollut cat

TERRA GOLLUT film festival

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TERRA GOLLUT film festival is a contest of engaged cinema to social transformation.

"We are from the mountains, we are from inland. A village festival which extends to other villages. And to another places where culture does not usually reach. We open our eyes up to the world from the Pyrenees."

It is a project from Joaquim Roque, the director and intellectual promoter of the Gollut Festival in the six editions made so far. Which has shown national or international works that they focuse its attention on the audiovisual and photographic works that transmit values with social commitment, inform or denounce facts that affect the whole society or a part of it.

I want to inform you that I have decided to carry out a new project: the contest called TERRA GOLLUT film festival that will be the continuation and the natural evolution of the contest that I have organized until the moment with the implication and commitment that you all know.

Festivals are often left in the public awareness phase and prizes that are given only give the work a certain communicative relevance.

However, TERRA GOLLUT film festival goes one step further in leaving the "theory" to pay attention in the "practice". The main objective of the project is to go beyond the cinematic fact.

Cinema is a powerful tool that transforms consciousness, habits, attitudes ... Immersively and with activities that add value to films; testimonials, discussion boards, film forums, educational workshops ... We also want to reach another audience, viewers with social or humanitarian needs. Designing actions to take distance with their personal situation, that create empathy with other groups or problems that will help them to overcome their own situation. With cinema as an instrument to do so.

TERRA GOLLUT film festival originates in the Golluts de Ribes, a community of people who were discriminated against for their physical particularities until their complete disappearance in the mid-20th century. They measured less than 1.2 meters, most of them had goiter, a harmless but malformed malformation. Scientists who described them as epaulettes. Calling the Gollut pageant a public acknowledgment towards them.

El TERRA GOLLUT film festival open call in mid-February 2020.

For more information send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Cartell 6e Festival Gollut web

Salutació del director del Festival Gollut

Aquesta 6à edició del Festival Gollut es fa un gran pas endavant en el certamen, que fins ara ha mostrat films amb vocació social i humanitària als espectadors habituals que podrien ser els de qualsevol altre festival. Els festivals de cinema es queden sovint en la fase de sensibilització, i els seus premis atorguen certa rellevància comunicativa a les obres, i fins aquí es queden.

Tanmateix, enguany, el Gollut deixa la “teoria” per passar a la pràctica. És l’edició més inclusiva, que transcendeix més enllà del fet cinematogràfic i posa granets de sorra en la inclusió de persones en risc d’exclusió social; sessions per a col·lectius especials, s’integren persones amb discapacitat mental als jurats, fomentem la concòrdia entre cultures i religions, creant el nou Premi Gollut de la Concòrdia, que s’entregarà a una obra que faci valdre el millor dels éssers humans, així com la diversitat i la tolerància, també convidem a joves migrats i joves estudiants a una taula rodona sobre la migració cap a Europa de menors no acompanyats, uns explicaran als altres les seves experiències, i junts, formaran part del Jurat del Premi Gollut dels joves. Aquestes accions i moltes d’altres contribueixen al diàleg constructiu del qual el Festival Gollut ja comença a ser-ne un referent.

Esperem més de 2000 espectadors en 61 sessions. La Vall de Ribes obrirà els seus braços i serà una terra d’acollida a visitants. El 6è Gollut serà el més gran i extens en activitats realitzat fins al moment. Les activitats de l’OFF Gollut són per tota mena de públics, valoren els recursos turístics, el patrimoni històric material i immaterial, i els valors mediambientals de la Vall de Ribes.

Som de muntanya. Som de terra endins. Som un festival de poble que s’ha estès a d’altres pobles. Obrim la mirada al món des d’aquí. 

Tot això, no només ho fem a la Vall de Ribes i al Ripollès, sinó que ho fem en petites poblacions rurals. Perquè sí, perquè tenim dret també a l’oferta cultural de 1r ordre. Per això el duem a Barcelona, a altres cineclubs de Girona i internacionalitzem la Vall de Ribes als casals catalans de Zuric i Basilea, Suïssa.

Al Gollut practiquem la concòrdia en el nostre entorn proper per canviar el món, encara que sigui una mica. Amb tan sols amb una miqueta ens conformem. Si ho aconseguim només amb una persona… La feina que fem tots i totes els que formem part d’aquest gran equip ja haurà valgut la pena. 

Gràcies a tots per formar-ne part. Veniu i participeu. Estarem contents de compartir-ho amb vosaltres. 

Joaquim Roqué
Director del Festival Gollut






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