The 6th Gollut Festival open call

The 6th Gollut Festival open call

Exhibition of cinema related to social commitment, environment, mountain and photojournalism based on popular culture

Competition sections from October 12th to November 3rd, 2019

From September 22nd to December 31st will have preview sessions, special sessions out of competition, public presentations, sessions of the catalogue Cinema with values. This edition will realise sessions for collective special with risk of social exclusion.

Ribes de Freser - Vall de Núria - Queralbs - Planoles - Ripoll - Sant Joan de les Abadesses
Figueres - Cassà de la Selva - Lloret de Mar - Girona - Barcelona - Teià - Basel - Zurich


The name of the festival and its prizes are recognitions to the “golluts”, a community of people who were discriminated until its disappearance in the 1950s. They were less than twenty feet away. They were also known as dwarves of Ribes, and they used to live in the surroundings of the Vall de Ribes. Most of these people had goitre (goll), a harmless but bad-looking pathology, which involved discrimination throughout the community.


The origins of Gollut Festival and its prizes

Dinàmic Enginy SLU, producer, exhibitor and distributor of cinema is the organizing entity of the Festival Gollut with the co-organization with other entities in the several venues. the THE film society of the Associació dels Amics del Cinema de la Vall de Ribes is the founder organisation for the promotion of film projections and audiovisual creativity with the celebration of the Gollut Festival. The first Festival was held in Ribes de Freser, in 2014.

The contest has already become an audiovisual reference in cinema and committed photography. It focuses its attention on the audiovisual and photographic works that transmit values with social commitment, inform or denounce facts that affect the whole society or a part of it.

The Gollut Awards are local awards that recognize global values

The name of the festival and its prizes are recognitions to the “golluts”, a community of people who were discriminated until its disappearance in the 1950s. They were less than twenty feet away. They were also known as dwarves of Ribes, and they used to live in the surroundings of the Vall de Ribes. Most of these people had goitre (goll), a harmless but bad-looking pathology, which involved discrimination throughout the community.

The golluts have marked for generations the inhabitants of the Ribes Valley, who for a long time have not wanted to speak about them and have wanted to hide their existence.

The fact of calling Gollut the Festival and the prizes awarded also implies a public recognition of what they meant. Therefore, the festival shows the violation of social rights to the entire community of golluts who lived in the Ribes Valley. This is used as an example of what happens in the violation of human rights around the world.

For the fourth time, the Gollut Awards will recognize the works of the audiovisual, cinematographic and photographic creators and, apart from recognizing the audiovisual talent, will also do so specifically with the content and values transmitted in the works.

The day-to-day life of the people living in 21st century society is a constant contrast between polar opposites. Like Ying and Yang. Thus, we find global recession and economic progress, violation of human rights and increase of social conscience. Public cuts and the welfare state versus increasing the profits of the big financial powers. Knowledge of natural phenomena and at the same time we also know that human activity contributes to climate change.

The Festival Gollut shows the aspects that concern the society and that are not sufficiently spread in the cinemas, means of communication or habitual channels of audiovisual distribution.


Key dates of Festival Gollut 2019

From August 1st to December 31st will have preview sessions, special sessions out of competition, public presentations, sessions of the catalogue Cinema with values. This edition will realise sessions for collective special with risk of social exclusion.


    June 10th 2019
    July 21st, 2019

    August 10th, 2009

    September 16th, 2019

    September 30th, 2019

    From October 12th to November 1st, 2019



Cinema Transhumant és un projecte amb el suport de:

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