Film, Memory, Peace, and Human Rights Program
Film, Memory, Peace, and Human Rights Program for Secondary and Vocational Education Centers
Promoted by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation in collaboration with the Filmoteca de Catalunya and Memorial Democràtic
Program Description
The Film, Memory, Peace, and Human Rights Cycle includes screenings and educational activities associated with the fields of democratic memory: peace and human rights, and linked to an international day related to these themes. This cycle is organized by the Educational Services of the Filmoteca de Catalunya, the Department of Education, the Directorate General of Democratic Memory, and the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation with the dynamization and elaboration of didactic material by Cinema Transhumant.
Target Audience
This film cycle is aimed at ESO, Baccalaureate (BAT), and Vocational Training students.
Program Objectives
The objective of the cycle is to promote social transformation through critical reflection on human rights. To do this, a series of international days representative of the priority sectors of Catalan cooperation, such as peace and non-violence, women's empowerment, or historical memory, are chosen. Another line of work of the course is media literacy, to foster the interest of children and young people in cinema and train them in the critical reading of audiovisual formats and languages.
The film sessions are animated by an entity specialized in audiovisual language and culture, and involve associations engaged in the field of human rights. In addition, the cycle offers a series of resources to schools to complement the sessions, such as teacher support and didactic material to work on before and after the classroom session.
The Audiovisual, Tool, and Strategy for Transformation
This program is part of the Development Education line. Through this axis, the Government works for the construction of a citizenship that defends the dignity of people, linking local phenomena with global ones, being aware of the impacts of their actions on a global scale, as well as the power of change and generation of alternatives that an empowered citizenship has in their hands.
The Educational Journey
Before the Session
First, the theme of each session is conceptually presented and developed in a dossier delivered to the participating centers, considering the educational stage we are addressing. There will be established objectives according to the competencies and curricular knowledge of each educational stage.
The dossier proposes the viewing of clips, news, and content reading proposals, and an interactive content version of the educational dossier and pre-session activity to work on in class.
During the Session
Planned activities with an approximate duration:
- Introduction. 5 minutes
- Basic knowledge introduction. 5 minutes
- Testimonies. 10 minutes
- Film clip screening. 50 minutes
- Film forum + Activity. 30 minutes
After the Session
A reflective activity is proposed back at the school, on the material viewed during the film session to consolidate the knowledge.
Once the tasks are completed, an evaluation of the activity can be carried out.
The Themes: The International Days for Peace Marking the Annual Calendar
- International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (February 6) - 3rd and 4th ESO, Bat/CF
- International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and the Dignity of Victims (March 24) - 3rd and 4th ESO, Bat/CF
- World Fair Trade Day (May 9) - 1st and 2nd ESO
- International Day Against Climate Change (October 24) - 1st and 2nd ESO
- International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25) - 3rd and 4th ESO, Bat/CF
- International Migrants Day (December 18) - 3rd and 4th ESO, Bat/CF
- International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27) - 3rd and 4th ESO, Bat/CF
All sessions are listed here:
Session Details
- The sessions are free for educational centers and funded by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation, however, they have a value of €1,413.60 + VAT.
- All sessions include films and, in addition, an expert on the subject as a guest to work on aspects of audiovisual culture and human rights.
- A complete pedagogical dossier is provided to prepare the session in class before and after the activity.
- The ages indicated must be adhered to as the sessions are prepared considering these age ranges.
- The dates of the “international day of” are not necessarily the ones chosen to conduct the sessions in the centers, as these themes can be addressed at any time of the year, and only those held at the Filmoteca adhere to this date coherence.
- Sessions can be held in an educational center space (with minimum conditions for projecting audiovisual fragments) or in a cinema or municipal space with the necessary technical requirements. The latter option is recommended because experiencing cinema outside the educational center reinforces the knowledge and values acquired by young people.
- If interested, please fill out the following form as soon as possible as we have a limit of sessions (only 12) and we try to distribute them throughout the Catalan territory.
In the form, it will be necessary to detail:
- Name of the educational center
- Number of students
- Educational level (ESO, Baccalaureate, or Vocational Training)
- Projection space
- Seats/capacity
- Projection system (mp4, DCP)
- Location
- Desired date (Tuesday or Thursday)
- Students with special educational needs
- Comments about the group
Application form link: